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Band Booster Organization

2022-2023 Board Members

Booster Documents


Ineke Hudson - Email


Vice President of Finances

Chris Evans - Email


Vice President of Operations

Tyler Brown - Email



Damon Hogan- Email



Frank Neese - Email

The East Paulding High School Band Boosters, are an incorporated, non-profit, tax-exempt organization that exists to support the band program at East Paulding High School. You do not sign up to be a member, and there are no dues. All parents and guardians of all students involved in the ensembles of the EPHS Bands, are automatically members.


The Booster Club is guided by an Executive Board made up of officers and committee chairs who meet prior to the general booster meeting. The Booster Club general meetings are every month, generally on the third Monday at 7:30 at EPHS (Always double check the calendar).  Please try to set aside this evening each month to be an active part of the group. At the meeting, you receive information from the Executive Board, hear committee reports, receive financial updates, and have an opportunity to take an active part in band activities.


Come and contribute your time and talents to the East Paulding High School Band Boosters!

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